Empowering Climate Change in the United States

Here's what we did:

The condensed version of the ACE framework was produced and published by Changemaker Books, in collaboration with Tom Bowman.

Examples of our work:

Based on the previously published Ace National Strategic Planning Framework for the United States (2020),  Empowering Climate Action offers a focused strategy to the Biden administration for sustained success on elevating community and state level climate work and allows the US to rejoin the Paris Agreement demonstrating their commitment to international leadership. ACE leadership focuses on an informed and engaged public which is the most effective and equitable way to accelerate a just transition to a resilient, low-carbon future.


CLEAR Team Members:

  • Deb L. Morrison, Editor

Related Resources:

Bowman, T. & Morrison, D. (2021). Empowering climate action in the United States. Part of Resetting Our Future Series. Changemaker Books.
