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Organizational Change

As organizations commit to reducing their climate change impact and fostering sustainability, people within the organization need support in understanding their own sphere of influence, how climate change is connected to their work, and how they might impact climate change in their current role. We support such change within organizations and provide strategic guidance to foster capacity building efforts for the implementation of such work.

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Learning Design

We take the stance that learning design should be done in collaboration with those who are being served. As such we seek to engage with communities, organizations, and governments to build learning experiences that meet people where they are at and bring them forward towards defined learning goals around climate empowerment, action, and resilience. Such design work draws on the latest research in collaborative design, systemic change, educational justice, climate change, and learning research.

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Publication Collaborations

The gifts of knowledge and new perspectives from collaborations are invaluable and writing as a method of sharing is a core aspect of our work. We foster collaborators among our networks of like-minded individuals with a common goal to promote systemic change in climate learning. Check out the Bibliography for some of our writing work.

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Strategic Advising

As people and organizations engage in justice, climate, and climate justice work, they often need small amounts of thinking time with critical friends who can guide work in helpful ways. We offer services for this kind of work in an occasional or more sustained manner depending on what works best for particular goals and change efforts.

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Sometimes when a group is engaging in learning or organizational change, it can be helpful to have external facilitators who help to set shared norms of interaction, ensure that agenda items are being addressed through equitable processes, and make sure that everyone is invited into the activity in meaningful ways.

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Speaking Engagements

We design and/or deliver talks, keynotes, and presentations addressing critical juncture issues within our expertise, particularly when such an effort is directed at an audience we consider essential in climate empowerment, action and resilience work. Please reach out to Kathy Cronk for speaking requests.

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We offer a sliding scale of fees for our services to ensure all who wish to engage with us can. To this end, we do not have set fees but instead invite conversations on collaborations and will provide personalized estimates for requested work. We encourage collaborations with us and facilitate collaborations with others for grass roots efforts that are engaged in climate justice work, please reach out.

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In order to best direct your inquiry, we ask that you read through Our Team member profiles and reach out to the person that mostly closely resonates with your needs. We have a lateral hierarchy at CLEAR Environmental and thus encourage you to connect where you feel it is most appropriate. Please include Kathy Cronk in any communications about requests for service or fees.