Building Teacher Professional Learning Infrastructure for Climate Justice Education

- In this feature article for NSTA, Meredith Lohr, Stacy Meyer, Dr. Deb L. Morrison describe two climate justice professional learning programs called ClimeTime and Climate Justice League, as well as the principles they use to design PL, with a focus on teacher expertise, relationship building, partnerships with community members, empowerment, and resilience.
- Use with educators, administrators, and professional learning providers to consider how to build sustainable, effective climate-justice professional learning programs for their local contexts.
Organization Info:
- EarthGen
- Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative at the Institute for Science + Math Education
People to Contact:
- Meredith Lohr, EarthGen []
- Stacy Meyer, Educational Service District 112 []
Dr. Deb L. Morrison, UW Institute of Science + Math Education []
Link to Resource
Lohr, M., S. Meyer, and D.L. Morrison. 2021. Building teacher professional learning infrastructure for climate justice education. Connected Science Learning 3 (5).
Resource Creator
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CLEAR Environmental Contributor
Last Updated
February 28, 2023
Resource Topic:
Climate Justice Learning
K-12 Education
Science Education
Resource Created on
February 28, 2023