Inventory of Federal Climate Engagement and Capacity-building Programs

  • Includes data tables summarizing existing federal climate education programs, as well as helpful definitions of key elements of these programs.
  • Use with professional learning providers, federal partners, funders, and organizations to identify program gaps and opportunities to increase the federal government’s impact, as well as to coordinate and collaborate across existing programs.
  • Built upon a 2022 report with the same goal.

Organization Information:

Contact Information:

Haley Crimm []

Link to Resource

NOAA (2023). Inventory of Federal Climate Engagement and Capacity-building Programs. Report of the Climate Education Program, Climate Program Office, NOAA, [January 23, 2023].

Resource Creator
This is some text inside of a div block.
CLEAR Environmental Contributor
Last Updated
March 6, 2023
Resource Topic:
Action for Climate Empowerment
Climate Communications
Science Education
K-12 Education
Resource Created on
March 6, 2023