It's Not Only About the Content

- This webinar, part of a series, features a conversation between Dr. Philip Bell, Dr. Deb L. Morrison, and Lindsey Kirkland. She describes her work with the nonprofit Climate Generation, with a focus on stories, culture, building relationships, and systemic approaches to climate justice education.
- Pair with the corresponding Climate Teacher Ed Tool from UW Institute of Science + Math Education to facilitate educator learning about this form of climate justice learning pedagogy for their own local context.
Organization Info:
- Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative Webinar Series at the Institute for Science + Math Education
People to Contact:
Dr. Philip Bell, UW Institute of Science + Math Education []
Link to Resource
Kirkland, Lindsey. (2022). It's Not Only About the Content. Webinar in The Climate Teacher Ed Webinar Series, Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative, Institute for Science + Math Education, University of Washington. Retrieve from:
Resource Creator
UW Institute of Science + Math Education
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CLEAR Environmental Contributor
Last Updated
February 28, 2023
Resource Topic:
Climate Communications
Science Education
Climate Justice Learning
Resource Created on
February 28, 2023