Sustaining Community-School Relationships Around Shared Visions of Climate Justice and Science Teaching

- This webinar, part of a series, features a conversation between Dr. Philip Bell, David Segura, Danny Morales-Doyle, Karen Salas, Amy Levingston and Susan Nelson. They describe the history and work of the Greater Lawndale High School for Social Justice (SOJO) and the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, and how this unique partnership has fostered a school curriculum that encourages youth EJ action.
- Pair with the corresponding Climate Teacher Ed Tool from UW Institute of Science + Math Education to facilitate educator learning about this form of climate justice learning pedagogy for their own local context. (Available soon)
Organization Info:
- Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative Webinar Series at the Institute for Science + Math Education
People to Contact:
Dr. Philip Bell, UW Institute of Science + Math Education []
Link to Resource
Segura, D., Morales-Doyle, D., Salas, K., Levingston, A., & Nelson, S. (2022). Sustaining Community-School Relationships Around Shared Visions of Climate Justice & Science Ed. Webinar in The Climate Teacher Ed Webinar Series, Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative, Institute for Science + Math Education,
Resource Creator
UW Institute of Science + Math Education
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CLEAR Environmental Contributor
Last Updated
February 28, 2023
Resource Topic:
Climate Communications
K-12 Education
Science Education
Resource Created on
February 28, 2023